July 20, 2021
Today on the verge of Liberia's 174th independence celebration we want to talk about all Religions as Mental Ideologies requiring Spiritual Action and all Sciences as Relative Structured Ideologies of interconnected forces ultimately creating Physical Forms. The problem we wish to resolve in this discussion forum is the current asynchronous nature of reality which appears to sapient human beings as CHAOS linked to violence, suffering, disunity and shared sorrow. For example the diversity of religious viewpoints and the lack of a consistent Scientific Theory of Everything are both signs of chaos from the viewpoint of a sapient human being. This statement is validated by a simple review of human history. According to the science of Godism the Cosmic Universe is gradually developing towards becoming a Grand Unified Field of Energy shaped and functioning like a Human Being. We call this the final Grand Unification Theory (GUT) of Scientific Godism. To perceive this view of the Cosmos one must develop a higher state of Conscious Awareness... one must grow spiritually to the level of Divine Consciousness Awakening.
According to this new GUT theory of awareness all reality first appeared as a SINGULARITY of infinite capacity co-existing in a chaotic soup 🍲 like liquid pool of energy. We call this infinite singularity - Zero point energy or cosmic water, cosmic consciousness or a Universal Sea of energy (U-S.E.A). With time this chaotic soup was transformed into the Cosmos we observe today (The Observable Universe). This transformation took place not by magic, but by the spiritual power of God's Divine energy presence called DIVINE LIGHT. From the stillness of Zero-point energy, God manifested His Divine Presence on the first day of creation (Gen 1:2) as Divine LIGHT... an expression of His Superpower Forces. Modern Science has identified four of these forces at the Quantum level as the Strong Force (Fst), the Forces of Electromagnetism (Fem/Fme), the Weak Force (Fwk) and the Force of Gravity (Fgr). What they have not yet identified, but are on the verge of identifying is the 5th Force of nature. Scientific Godism's research refers to this force as LOVE. It is a vertical force of nature quite simular to GRAVITY. At the Quantum Zero-Point level of energy this force can be perceived as an S-ripple wave of energy, linked to a trinity of forces called ENTROPY (-S, S=0,+S). These trinity of forces act as the mysterious force of LOVE which is responsible for the eternal but relative nature of EVERYTHING.
The bible refers to this eternal power of Divine Light in Rom 1:20. It exist as the power of synchronicity, meaning the ability to match SUBJECT/OBJECT PARTNERS together in complimentary pairs so as to form a 4-Positon Foundation Structure (4PFS) of reality as it exist in the mind and ❤️ heart of the Creator God! It is this superpower of synchronicity (oneness of TIME and SPACE) which preserved every particle pair (positron and electron pair) of reality in it's proper position so as to appear to all OBSERVERS of SHARED CONSCIOUSNESS as an ATOM. This power of observation is called Consciousness.
Each Individual Truth Body (ITB) of creation shares an aspect of Heavenly Parent's Consciousness Presence linked to Divine Light. This Consciousness, as stated in Gen 1:3-5, is dual in nature representing DAY and NIGHT Consciousness! Human beings alone are capable of sharing the fullness of Divine Consciousness. We alone of all God's Creations can share his superpower (as the mystery of Godism) of synchronicity as the unique viewpoint of God. It is only with this unique God given viewpoint, called Divine Consciousness, we can collectively restore the Garden of Eden on Earth as the New Jerusalem of Heaven on Earth... also mentioned in Rev 21. The first human couple to victoriously inherited this Divine Viewpoint of Godism become the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and humankind. For eternity they are destined to hold this position. With time, every human being most inherit this title of "True Parents" from them on the Family, Clan, Tribal or National level. This is one of the great works of human history. It is only this super power of sychronousity which can preserve every (Adam and Eve)-like couple pair so that they appear to be TRUE PARENTS of heaven, Earth and humankind.
This presentation is one of the fruits of Scientific Godism's research in search of a "Theory of Everything". We view God as an invisible Heaven Parent striving to restructure our fallen human society into a synchronized global community of Families linked to their Original Lineage... their Divine Lineage, while symultaneously co-existing as liberated True Families under the Kingship of God's ordeaned or Annointed Tabernacle on Earth as mentioned in Rev 21:1-8. We proclaim Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon and his wife Dr Hak-ja Han Moon as the eternal first True Parents of Heaven, Earth and humanking. But we also believe every married couple with the blessing of this First Eternal True Parents are entitled, destined and ultimately responsible to proclaim the role of True Parents on the Family, Clan, Tribal, National and even World level under the Heavenly Parent's Holy Comnunity Ideology. In this way, over the next 1000 years of human history, this Planet Earth will become the 3rd and final version of the Garden of Eden on Earth as prophesied in the end of the Christian Bible Rev 22. Love you all forever.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2021
The Era of the Asynchronous vs the Synchronous Appearance of True Parents.
GUT Theory,
true love family circle
Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia
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