Diary notes March 21 2009:
Today I realize the need to
develop a Plan of Action (POA) for UPF to influence the character of Liberia’s diplomacy as follows:
1. We are the first and prime
nation in Africa built on Christian principles. Our leaders and citizens need to understand the
spiritual value and mission that goes along with this historic role. Towards this end I seek to write a book entitled "Liberia: A Nation of Destiny for Africa". The following are thoughts outlining the future content of this book.
2. Prepare a short but clear
historical outline showing the expectation of this historic role. Link the four stage of
cosmic restoration of humankind from the time of the fall of A/E through the four stages of human history: Pre OTA (? to 2000BC), OTA (2000BC to 0AD),
NTA (4AD to 2004 AD) and CTA (2004 to 3013). Show how each of these stages worked their way out in recent West
African History as a prelude for the rise of LIBERIA as the nation of destiny
for Africa or “Liberty In Africa”.
3. Starting with Noah’s era
after the 16th biblical century or around 1600 BC, the flood judgment[1]
of humankind took place. Prior to that time sub-Sahara Africa was not dessert
but a fertile land. Also the world was one language and one people. An event
took place that led to the separation of languages and with it the
disintegration of Adam's culture or the rise of ethnicity beyond unity. Link this also
to Noah’s family and the rise of Egyptian civilization as the root of modern
civilization, particularly the Canaanites as the forefathers of Black Africa.
4. Show how the Great
Dispersion of the descendants of Canaanites led to a migration out of East
Africa towards the West Coast by what we call today our indigenous African
Brothers and Sisters; here would be a good place to talk about the root migration of our indigenous elder brother's family as CAIN versus ABEL. Link all of this to the rise of the great Ghana Empire of
West African history as the fruit of this period in which our ancestors
searched for freedom, liberty and justice for their children. Use this to show
the significance of our national motto from a broader perspective… “The love of
Liberty brought us here”. Explain that the settlers were not talking about just
themselves but were speaking from the heart our collective historic ancestors.
5. Next link the rise and
fall of Ghana Empire with the transition from the Pre-OTA era to the OTA, with the fruit being the MALI and SONGHAI EMPIRE representing the OTA period of West
African history.
6. Next show how the 16th
century AD paralleled the 16th century BC period as a time of flood
judgment for our West African ancestors. Link this to the Transatlantic Slave
Trade (TAST) where the forefathers of the so call “Americo-Liberians were taken
out of West Africa in preparation for the third wave of liberation struggle from Satan’s culture; here would be a good place to introduce the rise of the younger brother's family as ABEL versus CAIN. This period can be
paralleled to the NTA period of Cosmic Restoration centered on Christianity as
compared to the OTA period centered on Judaism Globally. For West Africa the comparison between OTA .vs. NTA would be the Islam culture .vs. the Christian culture[2]. This may also be a good place to explain why our West African history parallels the flow of global Christian history, note both were nurture in land west of their roots (Western Europe & Western Africa). In the end both Europe and Africa must unite under the rise of the coming new United State of Africa (USA). i hope Britain will live up to this expectation for our English speaking nations as France is to do for the French speaking sector.
7. By now all should be able
to see the root of our (and Africa's) national identity crisis being link with our alienation
from God as our invisible True Parents. This can also be shown to be the
root of our alienation from each other linked to our cultural ethnicity
problems such as racism, tribalism, classism, etc. Once we lost God we also lost His heart of love in us for each other
8 As we explore the TAST
period from 16th century to 19th century's rise of
nation-states in West Africa, we can justify the destiny of Liberia for Africa.
We can justify Liberia’s destiny being “to liberate Africa from Satan’s Culture”
thus allowing the rise of an new USA centered on liberated Africans citizens under
the banner of universal shared values, co-prosperity and the common good for
all. These are the true ideals of democracy and the rule of law. Here would be a good place to explore the history of democracy and the 3 phase development process of statehood from city-state---> nation-state---> global-state (as the final restored Kingdom of Heaven on Earth). This process has already begun by the power of heaven.
9. Finally show that the
destiny of the Old Liberia has now been inherited by the 3rd
Republic as a New Liberia[3].
Link the work of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and Governance
Reform Commission (GRC) to this destiny. They have to ensure the proper
government reforms that will safe guard the 4th Republic’s ability
to implement its destiny. In essence these reforms will lead to the rise of a 4th
and final victorious Republic of Liberia. If this doesn’t happen TRC and GRC
will have truly failed their responsibility to reconcile this nation in harmony
with heaven’s expectations.
10. At this point we can link the
recent rise and fall of the 2nd and 3rd Republic to the
restorative justice work, parallel to the OTA era and the NTA era of West
African history. This will clarify why there is a need for the rise of a 4th
Republic linked to the expected destiny of the CTA era. Currently we are in the third Republic phase of our destiny. The next three presidents of Liberia will have the privilege and responsibility to ensure our (and Africa's) proper transition into the 4th and final phase of Liberty in Africa.
11. Show how as we crossed into
the 21st century (2000 AC) the OAU of the 20th century (1960’s)
is transitioning into a New United States of Africa (USA) through the rise and
fall of the African Union (AU). Show how there is a need for ECOWAS and other
regional organizations to speed this process in a way which will reflect the
presence of the 4th Republic at work. Note as Qaddafi initiated the current AU representing a CAIN initiative, the time has come for ECOWAS nations to guide this process towards heaven's final expectation, the Rise of a new USA.
12. Present an overview of meaning behind the concept of three USA. Starting from Rev. 16:19 show how the Kingdom of heaven on Earth will rise from the foundation of three United State. USA1= the current United State of America will harmonize with Latin America; USA2= A United State of Africa will harmonize with Europe; USA3= A United State of Asia (unified Asia) will harmonize both east and west & north and south linking the other two USAs into the seed for God's Kingdom on Earth. Father has called this the rise of the Pacific Era. Research how this harmonizing will take place... probably linked to the need for global economic growth & harmony.
Behind all of this show the
importance of the religious community to spearhead this process as the fruit of
their historic mission! Remember the ultimate goal of religious history reflected in the end of the Bible (the Book of Revelation) is the restored Garden of Eden on Earth with the Lord of the Second Coming spearheading the restoration process., removing the flaming sword at the Garden's entrance thus allowing all the nations of the earth to approach the Tree of Life and be healed!!!
In summary UPF’s concept of Peace Ambassadors is linked to
Liberia’s destiny. Its mission is to rise up current and future leaders who can
fulfill this national destiny. We must nurture leaders who can ensure that Liberia
properly transitions into the 4th Republic of its destiny and then
works diligently towards the rise of a New USA (USA2). In this way we will be living
for the sake of others (All African Family) and fulfilling our true national
identity as Liberty in Africa. If this vision is the root of our foreign policy
linked to Peace Building in Africa, we will truly bring pride to God and our
beloved True Parents of Humankind and shown ourselves as being their true sons
and daughters. Otherwise our value and the light of that single star will not shine for all to see and might even be transferred somewhere else. Show how if we fail to live up to our mission another African nation will take it up! The heavenly struggle continues.
Love you all forever. GBC the truth bearer
The idea of the Flood Judgment is to separate humankind from Satan’s Culture.
Show the similarities of Judiasm and Islam from the perspective of their view
of God as a Master whom they must serve as compared to Christianity which sees
God as a Father and the true source of our humanity.
Use passages of our new Constitution to justify this.
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