Last year May I wrote an article entitled “Human Responsibility and the 21st Century”. Today is the beginning of another May 2012 and the thoughts of human responsibility still linger in my very soul. Especially my love and concern for my motherland Africa! I know God loves this land, though it was linked to the root of His painful heart (Gen 6:6). From the perspective of modern civilization, Africa served as the first historic base of Satan's global dominion on earth through the Egyptian empire. Yet God as the creator of Adam & Eve could not stop loving us even after we betrayed Him. I believe it is His love that I feel so intensely at times, it drives me to tears. I sometimes pray for leadership opportunity for only a little while, thinking that I could make a difference, but soon the reality sets in as I ponder the past.
My great grandfather, the Late William D. Coleman, had leadership opportunity as Liberia's 10th president. Actually he was the 12th, but if you consider JJ Robert's and James S. Pains's double holding of presidency, then he was the 10th. With all of his effort to unify the national divide between Cain (indigenous Liberians) and Abel (Americo-Liberians), I lived to see another CAIN (symbolized by S.K Doe and the left-wing progressive group) killing ABEL (symbolized by the Late W.R. Tolbert and the TWP leadership class).
I believe that heaven speaks to us through numbers and math. Ten (10) represents "back to God" while seven (7) represents “completion”. Considering the power of numbers we can gain new insight into our nation’s history and destiny. Starting from the death of Tolbert as the seventh president after Coleman, we can understand why his death represented the fall of the 1st Republic of Liberia and the prelude to the rise of the 2nd Republic. President Coleman's original mission as the 10th presidency was to return Liberia to God's destiny pathway. He failed and humbly resigned as President under the TWP. I believe his failure was due to a lack of support from his party. He tried to make a comeback through the "People's Party" but didn't succeed. Seven (7) presidencies after that, representing the destiny time to complete a mission, the TWP and the 1st Republic of Liberia was destroyed. In essence the Coupe of 1980 was inevitable and due to our ignorance of God’s will. Liberia had failed to return to God’s destiny pathway after 133 years of independence.
Like John the Baptist, Liberia was a nation destined to be the 1st nation in Africa to receive Lord Jesus in His 2nd Coming. But like John the Baptist, we failed this opportunity by 1980, so as a nation we had our head cut off! Note the number “33” represents the year Lord Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. So after 33 years of grace since 1947 (the 100th year of our national independence), we rejected the Lord of the Second Coming…Rev Dr. Sun Myung Moon. This was the internal reason for Tolbert’s death in 1980 (contact me for more details).
I returned to Liberia in the same year 1980 after meeting Father Moon in America and joining His church. Having lived through Liberia's history since 1980 to now, heaven has revealed many things to me about our national destiny. Since Tolbert's death I believe God has been searching for another presidential candidate sensitive to His heart, to lead Liberia into its Golden age of destiny. The late William Harris of Harper, Maryland County prophesied that by the 3rd legitimate presidency of Liberia after Doe's death, such a person would rise to power (See my write up on the D. Tweh Prophesy). He referred to this person as "the one with the heart of God".
After many years of prayer, I now see Madam Johnson-Sirleaf as an interim President destined to born the New Liberia linked to the Heart of God… a 3rd Republic. With her recent re-election against all odds (TRC report required her to repent in a public palaver hut forum before running), she has now become the first legitimate president since Doe's death. Note; from Taylor to her election in 2005 all presidents were elected to power by an interim government, not a constitutional base government. Thus they were all illegitimate in the true sense. Her election in 2005 made her the tenth president after Coleman, if you consider the illegitimacy factor. Thus with the ushering into office of the TRC and the surrender of Charles Taylor to the international court, Liberia saw the ending of a second cycle of failed national leadership. I see her recent re-election in 2011 as the starting point of the D. Tweh's prophesy, the rise of a mother-figure for the 3rd Republic of Liberia, and a clear sign from Heaven.
Thus during this mother's day season I wish to proclaim to all Liberians worldwide the countdown towards the rise of the 4th Republic of Liberia as the seed nation destined to unify all of African as One Nation Under God, indivisible with freedom, liberty and justice for all people of color. This is the unfulfilled destiny of LIBERIA and the hidden meaning behind our name "Freedom in Africa". The key mission of the next three presidencies of Liberia is to work towards the fulfillment of this destiny. The former O.A.U. (Organization for Africa's Unity) was like the "League of Nations" formed after WWI. The current AU (African Union) is like the "United Nations" formed after WWII. It represents the second stage process towards Africa's unification. In the aftermath of the recently ended Cold War, the next three presidents of Liberia are destined to work towards the rise of a new U.S.A. (United States of Africa) here in Africa by 2020. It will be one of three global entities (Rev. 16:19) destined to unite into the “Kingdom of God on Earth”.Aju!
Rev. 16:19 reads: " And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell..."
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